Our Areas Of Expertise
Chancery West Law is skilled in acting for both employees and employers. Employment law can be complex, particularly with regular changes to the legislation. We have acted successfully for individuals and businesses on all aspects of employment dispute and across various sectors. Our lawyers are up to date with employment law developments in order to provide our clients with a robust service. Our goal is always to secure the best outcome for you.
We are able to represent or defend clients in both the tribunal and civil courts and provide robust legal advice on all types of employment claims and including:
Unfair dismissal claims including constructive dismissal claims
Redundancy claims
Retirement claims
Pay/Wages deductions or overpayments
Breach of contract
Discrimination and Equal Opportunities covering the following grounds: Race, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Pregnancy and maternity, Disability, Age, Religion and Belief;
Maternity and Paternity Rights
Equal pay claims
Flexible working and part-time worker claims
Harassment and victimisation claims
Restrictive covenants
Transfer of Undertakings TUPE claims
Whistle-blowing claims
Right to Work, References
Settlement Agreement/Compromise Agreement
Health and Safety at Work complaints
Restrictive Covenants
Zero hours claims
Employment Tribunals representations
Arbitration, Conciliation & Mediation
We have an accredited Employment Mediator who may also facilitate resolution of your employment dispute.
Chancery West Law Solicitors
Colchester Business Centre
1 George Williams Way
Essex CO1 2JS